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Description:  The Ankh is a symbol that represents life, union of male and female principles, which perpetuate life. It symbolizes the union of the male staff and the female eternal circular womb and the children as the crossbar.  In Kemet (Ancient Egypt) the Ankh was incorporated in everyday life along with the 7-governing principle of Ma’at which are balance, truth, order, righteousness, justice, harmony and reciprocity. Kemet was a super civilization.


This Ankh is solid and is hand-made of Brass and Copper. Brass is a blend of copper and zinc. Copper being one of the most electrically conductive metals provides many healing benefits to the wearer are both internally and externally. Zinc will helps reduce exhaustion, insomnia and anxiety or panic attacks, and it will help you to cope with and solve sudden problems.


Metals: Copper and Brass

Measurements: 9 inches long and 5.5 inches wide

Large Brass and Copper Ankh


©2021 Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka n Heru Hassan Kamau El-Salim. 

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