Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path
Who is Mfundishi Jhutyms?

Great Grand Master Kemetic Priest Scientist
Afrakan Village Chief
Spiritual Warrior & Holistic Healer
Afrakologist Educator & Author
Ourstorian for the Development, Maintenance, Liberation and Independence of Afrakan People

Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka n Heru Hassan Kamau El-Salim (aka Mfundishi Jhutyms), Great Grand Master Kemetic Priest Scientist & Afrakan Village Chief, is a highly sought after consultant in areas of holistic wellness, Afrakan heritage and languages, education, international cultural immersion programs, and entrepreneurship. As a world-class Afrakologist Educator, author and lecturer, he speaks in the Americas, the Caribbean, Afraka and Europe. He is the Founder & President of Jhuty Heru Neb Hu Kush Kemet, an unincorporated educational and cultural organization within their family-owned business called Black Gold Sacred Kultural Healing Center. This Spiritual Warrior is an Ourstorian for the Development, Maintenance, Liberation and Independence of Afrakan People.
Who Is Mdw Ntchr For?
Mdw Ntchcr is the Ancient Kemetik language of the Nile Valley that explains nature, our ancestors and our culture. As in other languages, the Mdw Ntchr requires the use of our eyes, ears, tongue, throat and brain; but unlike most other languages-with the excpetion of American Sign Language-Mdw Ntchr being truly holographic in its essence, also requires the use of both the left and right hemispheres of our brain.
With Mdw Ntchr, kinetic energy through holographic hand-to-eye/eye-to mind coordination causes us to resonate with the superior social, psychological and spiritual consciousness of our Kemetian ancestors. We also directly communicate through the "Mind of God" as images are created by thought patterns through which ALL things are defined.
5 Domains
In order to innerstand the Mdw Ntchr at its highest level you must have a degree of innerstanding of the 5 Domains.
Minerals. The universe is made up of minerals. The stars are minerals, the planet are minerals and we are made up of those same minerals.
Plants. The plant domain feeds off the mineral domain and it is the vegetation, the fuel and healing remedies (herbs) of the whole planet.
Animals. All animals were here on the planet earth before all humans. They are here to teach us how to survive in each earthly terrain. Examples: Desert, Sahill, Savanna, Forest.
Humans. We are an extension of the animal domain to act Ntchr like; to think outside of the box.
Spirits. Permeates and exist in all the domains and is your connection to the one all existing Ntchr.
Language is more than a simple component of culture. It encompasses and incorporates the entire spectrum of culture, which is why it is so important for people to know their own language as a connection to their ancestry, and to a sense of self identity.
All classes take place online, contact our staff for more info.
Mfundishi Speaks
You will have to the opportunity to listen and see Mfundishi speak about past and current events surrounding Afrakan Spirituality, Afrakan History, Pan Afrakanism, Operational Unity, Ancient Kemet, the Ghana Project and much more. You will also have the chance to interact and speak to the Grandmaster.

Kupigana Ngumi
Kupigana Ngumi is the synthesis of the Afrakan Spiritual Warrior experience. It imparts a view, which recognizes the inherent capacity of martial science to impart life-kultivating benefits, as well as defensive and offensive capabilities. Kupigana Ngumi reveals the power to serve the needs of Afrakan people and strengthen their capacities towards human refinement. The essence of the Kemet Aha system of Kupigana Ngumi is to train the mind, body and soul towards becoming a Spiritual Warrior.

Crystals & Stones

Raise your vibration, clear your energy field and protect your energy with crystals and gemstones.
Mdw Ntchr Flash Cards

These flash cards of the Kemety (Egyptian) alphabet were created to guide those of all ages seeking to learn the language of our ancestors.
Books & Resources

To purchase books, resources and other media please visit our store.

“Spiritual Warriors are Healers”
This book is a must have! It has been my goto book and reference guide to answer many question regarding our Kemety legacy. Like the bible is unto a devoted Christian, this book also covers the many aspects of life from the time of Creation to the times of the Afterlife for us Pan-Afrikans here in the diaspora. The amount of information and knowledge contained in this book gives rise to higher & deeper levels of innerstanding of many things, and an opportunity to walk a path of great wisdom. I appreciate how the author, mfundishi Jhutyms Ka N Heru breaks down the various domains, dimensions and certain concepts entailed in this book to show the connection that most of us don’t make, which would bring us all closer to the One - NTCHR! Lastly, I was also fascinated by the amount of coverage on the Afrikan MonTu kombat system, called Kupigana Ngumi. Great information shared on the style, legacy, kulture and language. Every Afrikan and Pan-Afrikan should have two copies of this book; one to store away and one to constantly dig in for perpetual [increments of] enlightenment as
needed. Dua Ntchr. Shem e m hotep.
-Wadjety N Ma’at Imhotep BaKa-Amun
“Spiritual Warriors are Healers”
Hello Master Teacher Mfundishi Jhutyms,
I want to simply thank you for your knowledge, wisdom, and guidance as
I'm currently immersed in "Spiritual Warriors are Healers". Although
there is much I would like to say, words are not quite equipped enough
to translate exact expressions of my spirit but I appreciate and honor
you as an esteemed elder as you have been vital to the awakening of my
Afrakan Konsciousness as a "divine spiritual being having a divine
human experience." Thank you and the ancestors.
M mr nfr,
Marques Taylor
"Mentchu-Hotep And The Spirit Of The Medjay"
Mfundishi Jhutyms Hassan Salim has dipped into his deep well of knowledge to deliver a work of literary genius. Because of his wide array of knowledge in Classical African histories, particularly, of Kash (Kush) and Kemet he is able to incorporate the correct ancient language and place names into his story.
Saba (teacher) Mfundishi who has achieved the pinnacle in various forms of martial arts, helps us to understand the Medjay, a central component in this story. With his historical "data bank", his expertise in the ancient language of Kemet and his unique talent for storytelling, Saba Mfundishi has woven these elements together in a must read book entitled, "Mentchu-Hotep And The Spirit Of The Medjay".
Mdjed Heru Ka n Maat
As an initiate of the temple of Jhuty Heru Neb Hu, I truly appreciate all the sacred teachings in this book. The path that Mentchuhotep had to travel mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually before ascending the throne was more than inspiring and motivating. It opened my eyes as well as validated why I must persevere through hardships and difficulties I encounter. I also appreciate how the author, Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka N Heru outlines the dedication to various principles regarding our Afrikan Kulture. Ma’at was the focal point, which lays the path for wisdom, honor, respect, and courage. As a monTu Kombat artist, I especially enjoyed the descriptive tales of certain battle scenes, which added great excitement to the read. Overall this book covers many rules of thumb that’ll help mold great
leaders all around, which is something our people and community need today! Aha tu, shem e m hotep.
- Wadjety N Ma’at Imhotep BaKa-Amun